Joining  Brian Draper;  and his  Lent Reflections and optional weekly ‘Live at 5’ community gathering on Zoom.To subscribe click on the link here  https://www.briandraper.org/

Reading Wild Bright Hope  The Big Church Read Lent Book 2025. Wild Bright Hope is a transformative Lent book featuring 12 dynamic voices, each exploring the power of hope. Each chapter is paired with a video from its author, providing deeper insight and an interactive experience. https://thebigchurchread.co.uk/

Listening to God, Faith and Doubt: a series of five talks for the journey to Easter, specially recorded for the PBS by our Ecclesiastical Patron, Lord Chartres.

The  Quiet Garden Movement is offering a  Quiet Evening for Lent
Join us on Monday 24th March at 7.00 pm for poetry, prayer, music and silence. There is no set ticket price but we ask for a donation towards the evening.To book a place please click here

Or join in locally with our Confirmation Course all details can be found here….