The Deanery in Detail


This Deanery Pastoral Plan was approved in early 2021 as a result of consultations at deanery and parish level and builds on the new ways of working that are already in place.

The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, summed up what we are about when he said recently,

“We are the Church of people and place, not just congregations and parish church.”

We are trying to make this a reality in Abbeydore Deanery.


The team are: Rev Luci Morriss, Rev Cate Thomson and Rev Simon Lockett .

They work as part of a wider Deanery Leadership Team which also includes:
Rev Jane Rogers, Anne Lloyd (Coordinator) and Nigel Sellar ( Treasurer).

The the ministry team together with many others  form a wider team, both lay and ordained.

If you are interested in hearing more or making a comment about any item, do get in touch with the coordinator.


11th January 2022
• Discussion on how to obtain funding for non-Parish Offer Deanery Posts.
• Planning for courses, communication and publicity for mission stream activity.
• Joint Council draft guidance was now available which should help progress to the establishment of the Joint Council as agreed by Deanery Synod in 2021.

24th January 2022
• A Total Return Funding Bid would be submitted to the Diocese for 50% funding of the DMC role for the next 4 years.
• A recommendation about residential properties within the Deanery would be made to the Deanery Mission and Pastoral Committee for their consideration.

7th March 2022

The draft scheme for the Joint council was considered and would be returned to the Diocesan Registrar for review.

21st March 2022

  • Caleb Project: John Winter gave an update on his experience of participating in this programme.  The interviews for the next cohort for the project would take place in late June.
  • Initiatives to explore Holy Communion would be considered at a future meeting in order to increase the understanding and participation.
  • Discernment of vocations: adopting a formal Deanery-wide approach to this would be explored.
  • Pioneer Ministry: an update on current and future initiatives was given. These included “Growing Deeper” and Hedgerow Communions.  Some time for reflection and review of current activities and future plans would be allocated in May/June.
  • The Visitation would take place in Eaton Bishop Church, with the village hall used for facilities.
  • An application for funding to support the Golden Valley Pilgrim Way would be submitted.

21st June 2022

  • Joint Council an overview document would be prepared to accompany the formal documentation.
  • Candidates were required for the next Growing Leaders Course.
  • Local Safeguarding Training would be arranged if possible.
  • Contributions to Sabbatical Expenses would in future be met centrally through the Deanery
  • Accounting software would be purchased for the Deanery account
  • Generosity in Parish Offers should be encouraged.



18th October 2022

  • Joint Council – the scheme document and additional overview document were reviewed.
  • A Safeguarding Action Plan had been prepared.
  • Payments towards travel expenses for Life Events were agreed.