Friday 6 September 2024

Services for Sunday 20th October

Clehonger10.30amHarvest Festival
Ewyas Harold10.30amCafe Church
Vowchurch10.30amHoly Communion
Cusop11.00amHoly Communion
Craswall11.00amHarvest Festival and lunch
Walterstone11.00amHarvest Holy Communion
Dore Abbey4.00pmHarvest Festival and tea
Dorstone4.00pmHarvest Music service with bring and share ploughman's tea
Kingstone4.00pmHoly Communion
St Devereux6.30pmHoly Communion

Services for Sunday 27th October

Allensmore10.30am Holy Communion
Dore Abbey10.30amBenefice Service Holy Communion (BCP)
Peterchurch10.30amCeltic Communion
Tyberton10.30amCeltic Morning Prayer
Cusop11.00amMorning Worship
Clodock11.00amHoly Communion
Preston-on -Wye11.15amHoly Communion (BCP)
Bredwardine2.00pmReflective Ramble
Kingstone4.00pmEvening Prayer (BCP)



Tues 10 September, 5.30pm.
Sharing bread and wine recalling the meals Jesus shared with the disciples. 

Madley, Saturday 14 September at 5.00pm
BCP Holy Communion with Harvest Hymns


Eaton Bishop
Saturdays 9.00 – 9.30am
Informal prayer.

W@TT 10.30 Wednesday

Everyone is welcome to come to St Michael’s at Ewyas Harold. There is a service each Wednesday at 10.30am, followed by coffee and chat. The next services are:
11 September, Prayer and Praise
18 September, Holy Communion

Let Us Pray


Sunday 8 September
Old Testament Isaiah 35: 4-7a
New Testament James 2: 1-10, (11-13), 14-17
Gospel Mark 7: 24-37
Psalm 146

Sunday 15th September
Old Testament Isaiah 50: 4-9a
New Testament James 3: 1-12
Gospel Mark 8: 27-38
Psalm 116: 1-8

Bishop Richard's Weekly Message ...

9.oo am Bikers’ Breakfast.

Full English breakfast at Madley Methodist Chapel.

No charge but donations gratefully appreciated.
Every fourth Saturday of the month.


Hedgerow Communion

An evening of Words and Music at Dore Abbey

Friday 6 September 2024 at 7.00pm
An entertaining programme of Romantic piano music interspersed with poetry including a complete performance of L’histoire de Barbar by Francis Poulenc

Christopher Needham – piano
Tim Bannerman – narrator

Shubert Impromptu in A Flat
Brahms Late piano pieces
Chopin Masurkas and 2nd Scherzo
Schumann Kinderszenen with poems by Tim Bannerman
L’histoire de Babar by Francis Poulenc

Wine and soft drinks at the interval (cash only)

If you have any old Barbar books or toys you might like to bring them with you to put on display.

Tickets on sale on, or call 01981 345135, or on the door.

Communications to contemplate

Houses of Prayer – An Invitation

Would you be interested to receive a Reflection and Prayers via email to support you in your personal prayer time?

Sometimes we need a little encouragement to set regular time aside for prayer so it may be helpful if we know we are sharing this time with others.

Houses of Prayer, in its on-line version, has grown out of something called House of Prayer, a small group of friends who used to meet in person on a weekly basis in my home before Covid came along and prevented us from meeting in this way. So we went on-line with a weekly email which includes a reflection written by one of our group, prayers, music and a time for reflection and silence.

Though the email goes out weekly on a Tuesday evening you might prefer to try it on a monthly basis and see how it goes, and whether it’s helpful to you or not.

If you are interested I suggest a trial run of three monthly emails by which time you will know if it works for you.  Just ask to be included on the Houses of Prayer list and I will send it to you ready for the first Wednesday in the month.

Please email me,

A review of qualifications for membership of PCCs and PCC Codes of Conduct by The Elections Review Group (ERG)

To help with this review, the ERG would welcome the views of any interested person but would particularly invite the views of PCC members. The ERG will use any feedback received to bring forward proposals on how to streamline the qualifications for PCC membership to General Synod in 2025. It is hoped that this will support PCCs by encouraging and enabling more people to put themselves forward to join PCCs.

The ERG is also keen to understand and share good practice from PCCs relating to conduct.

If you are interested please complete the form which can be found in the link here,, The form should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, and any responses should be sent in by 30 September.

Any queries regarding the review or the online form should be sent direct to

James Adedeji | Governance & Office Administrator